Program Overview
The Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (RMHIDTA) program was established by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) in 1996. As of 2020, the program has 30 HIDTA designated counties in 4 states (Colorado, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming).
The Rocky Mountain HIDTA's mission is to facilitate cooperation and coordination among federal, state, local and tribal law enforcement with efforts to reduce availability by disrupting or dismantling violent drug trafficking organizations.
The mission is accomplished through intelligence-driven investigative and interdiction operations conducted by multi-agency task forces. Rocky Mountain HIDTA has three core programs that include enforcement initiatives, investigative support center and training division.
The aim of RMHIDTA is to:
Reduce drug availability by eliminating or disrupting drug trafficking organizations.
Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of law enforcement organizations in their efforts within HIDTA.